We Work to Make the World of Work Better

About Our Company

Work 4 Change is a consultancy of social scientists, thought leaders, digital storytellers, and skilled trainers who partner with companies to evaluate and improve workplace culture and communication through the lenses of social justice, humanism, equity, and science.

Our goal is to improve your employees’ job satisfaction, sense of belonging, and retention.

Founder, Dr. Kendra Jason

Who are we?

We are champions of equity and social justice. We are a team of social scientists dedicated to creating fair and equitable work experiences for all members of your organization. We have PhDs in Sociology with at least 15 years of expertise in the areas of work and inequality, organizational behavior, community-based research, evaluation and assessment, and digital storytelling.We are dynamic facilitators and trainers with a knack for making complex issues accessible.

We listen, and learn, from your team and develop customized strategies to identify the language and tools your team needs to succeed.


What we do

We identify strategies to create healthier, more cohesive work cultures, centering worker well-being.

We evaluate your areas of need and work “shoulder to shoulder” with your organization throughout our partnership to meet those needs.

We develop a strategic agenda and action-centered plan that provides your leaders the tools, language, and knowledge to make effective change. 

We design practices that support communication, harmony, and balance.


Our clients include small business owners to international corporations

A message from Founder, Dr. Kendra Jason on why you should consider working with us to make your workplace better.

Client Testimonials

Check out these client experiences from Indiana University and the Burke County Health Department.

Hero photo by fauxels from Pexels